Blogging to me has always had the association with 16 yr old male Asians, writing in half capitals, half lower-case, being overly emotional about their failing love lives. (Totally not being offensive by this, btw) Thus, I never really thought about starting one myself. But then I figured, I usually bore my friends with pointless stories, and repeat them over and over for each friend separately, why not give them the option of having to listen to them or not? Ok no, I'm not that nice. If you're one of those who have to put up w/ my useless stories, I'm sure you'll still have to not only listen to them, but be forced to read them and write comments on my blog :-). But I did realize that in the coming year, when I plan to go to pastry school and hopefully travel around, I may have more to talk about than the useless minutia that I try to pass off as a consequential occurrence in my life.
Thus, the birth of this blog.
So the title of my blog? Inspired by Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential." The book has given me an idea of what lies in store for me in pastry school. Anthony Bourdain, who I fondly refer to as "Tony" (as if I'm his friend), has become a sort of idol for me when it comes to the pastry school chapter of my life. Speaking of his life as a chef, Tony sums it up by saying, "It can be, at times, the purest and most unselfish way of giving pleasure (although _____ has to be a close second)" fill in the blank ;-)
Right. So this is my life...Kutu Confidential.