Not really, because if you know me at all personally, you'd know that this probably will end up having to do with food. I believe the only usage of the word "moist" that doesn't gross people out is when its referring to the "moistness" of a dessert, say, of cake. In that case, a moistness is an absolute must.
Turns out that for much of cuisine other than dessert and pastry, dryness, or the lack of moisture (to not gross you out too much with overuse of the word), is a big issue. How often have you had a mac and cheese that is actually, well, exactly that--macaroni and cheese--practically separate entities. Ideally, one would want something like that made at Beechers Cheese Shop in Seattle. (Refer to image) If I need to explain to you why that mac and cheese is preferable to a drier sort, then you're probably reading the wrong blog, and you probably aren't my friend.
Images: Jamie,