Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The 7 Year Itch

I've had this thought recently ... about how the few foods that I used to say I didn't like, I've recently started liking. My list used to consist of: bell pepper, black pepper, honey, and dill. Yes, that is probably the only things I didn't used to like when it comes to food. Recently, (well, in the past 3 years), I've grown to like bell pepper, black pepper and honey too (as long as it's high quality). My dad always says that what you don't hate, you'll grow to love, especially when it comes to food. That's why as kids, they always forced us to try foods that we really didn't like, just to introduce us to the taste so that later in life, we'll miss those tastes. This really is true because I used to hate baingan (eggplant) bharta and it's one of my favorite dishes now.

They also say that food tastes change every 7 years ... well, seeing as though they also say that if you get past year 7 of your marriage, chances are it'll last, maybe all our tastes change every 7 years ;-). I don't really know if my food tastes will continue to change because I really wonder, "I like everything now, does that mean I'll stop liking certain things?" Oh right ... I hate dill, let's see if that ever changes.


Antara said...

I have an intolerance to dill. So, in the whole vegetarian world, THAT is the only thing you don't like?? What about papaya? Karela?

Vaishali said...

I like karela and I wouldn't choose to eat papaya but it won't kill me like dill will. Yeah, I guess what you're saying is ... soon I'll start LOVING papaya. Then I'll be like mom.